Circular design means a circular mindset. We have to RE:THINK everything we do. It’s about circularity through the whole process and far beyond: new materials, new technologies, new processes and, in general, new ideas.

So we will RE:DUCE wherever and whatever we can: components, materials, refinements. It’s about the art of omitting and about extending the value of our products.

That's why we RE:USE as much as we can. This is about creating new use cases that go beyond the state of the art of the automotive industry.

And at the end of the life cycle, we RE:CYCLE. We use as many materials as possible that are already in the cycle: recycled plastic, recycled aluminium, recycled steel.
And we design and construct mono-materials and detachable connections to allow easy dismantling. Because easier to separate means easier to reintegrate into the cycle.