1. The EC unladen weight refers to a vehicle with standard equipment and does not include any optional extras. The unladen weight includes a 90% full tank and a driver weight of 75 kg. Optional equipment may affect the weight of the vehicle, the payload and the top speed if the selected equipment has an impact on the vehicle's aerodynamics.
  2. Trailer load depends on the vehicle options.
  3. Performance data of petrol engines apply to vehicles using RON 98 fuel. Fuel consumption data apply to vehicles using reference fuels in accordance with EU Regulation 715/2007. Unleaded RON 91 and higher with a maximum ethanol content of 10% (E10) may also be used. BMW recommends RON 95 fuel. For high-performance automobiles, BMW recommends RON 98 fuel.
  4. Official data for fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, power consumption and electric range was determined in accordance with the prescribed measuring procedure and corresponds to European Regulation (EC) 715/2007 in the applicable version. For ranges, data determined as per WLTP takes into account any optional equipment (available on the German market in this case). For vehicles that have been newly type approved since 1 January 2021, only the official data according to WLTP exists. For more information about NEDC and WLTP measuring procedures visit www.bmw.com/wltp